Retirement and Philanthropic Planning for an Executive


Charitably inclined Corporate Executive with various philanthropic interests looking for retirement planning that incorporates charitable giving strategies.

Callan Capital Solutions

  • Provide detailed financial planning analysis to determine Critical Capital – how much present-day funds she needs to maintain her family’s lifestyle for life.
  • Fund a Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT) – A donor makes a irrevocable contribution to CRAT. She receives a fixed annuity each year from the CRAT and at the end of the CRAT’s term, the remainder of the trust is given to a named Charitable Beneficiary.
  • Create Donor Advised Fund (DAF) and name DAF as Charitable Beneficiary of CRAT.


  • Corporate Executive has reassurance that she will have sufficient assets to meet her family’s critical capital number.
  • CRAT produces a charitable deduction, income stream and opportunity to fund DAF
  • DAF can be used to support her various philanthropic interests.



Our case studies are intended for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide an example of Callan Capital’s process and methodology. They represent specific client’s experiences based on their specific facts and circumstances with some details excluded and or changed to protect the anonymity of the client.  An individual’s experience may vary based on their unique circumstances. Similar results cannot be guaranteed in comparable situations. This case study should not be interpreted as a testimonial or endorsement of Callan Capital, and it is impossible to determine whether a specific client would have been satisfied with their results.